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52 Things... Excerpt #1
52 Things... Excerpt #2
52 Things... Excerpt #3
52 Things... Excerpt #4
52 Things... Excerpt #5
62 Things #6
52 Things #7
52 Things... Excerpt #8
52 Things... Excerpt #9
52 Things... Excerpt #10
52 Things... Excerpt #11
52 Things... Excerpt #12
52 Things... Excerpt #13
52 Things... Excerpt #14
52 Things... Excerpt #15
52 Things... Excerpt #16
52 Things... Excerpt #17
52 Things... Excerpt #18
52 Things... Excerpt #19
52 Things... Excerpt #20
52 Things... Excerpt #21
52 Things... Excerpt #22
52 Things... Excerpt #23
52 Things... Excerpt #24
52 Things... Excerpt #25


Mia Wong Mike Sherman-52ThingsI am so flattered to see my name and story at Synovate in P.155. Check it out! An excellent book with interesting real life stories to remind research and market insights people what really matters in the business world.[52 Things we wish someone had told us About Customer Analytics, available in Amazon]

~ Mia Wong
Market Intelligence at the Hong Kong Jockey Club
(Posted on LinkedIn)
